24 hours of silent retreat. . . It was part of my very first weeklong residency for the Renovare Institute, a two-year program in spiritual formation I began this fall. I'd eagerly anticipated the …
Solitude or Loneliness?
It's almost time for school to begin for my three children, and as much as I will miss the lazy days of summer, part of me can't wait to have the house to myself again. My eight-year-old daughter …
Is Reading Bad for You?
I have always been a reader. In first grade I got caught hiding a novel behind my math book. (In retrospect, that moment was quite accurate foreshadowing of my academic future.) I was infamous in …
What Do You Want Your Home to Be?
I'm fascinated by the Danish concept of hygge, especially at this time of year. Hygge (pronounced, as near as I can tell, HYOO-gah) is a bit of a complex idea, but I like to think of it as being …
How to Rest (And Why You Need to)
When my kids were really small, I used to dream about spending a night alone in a hotel. With a big bed all to myself, in which I could sleep for as long as I wanted. Nothing sounded as appealing or …
Friendship for the Rest of Us
Our country, apparently, is lonely. More than one-fifth of Americans report often or always feeling lonely or socially isolated. As a Christian, I see it this way: God made us to be in community. I …
A Surprising Way to Reduce Anxiety
(Especially When You're Crazy Busy) The end of the school year is just nuts. Band concerts, graduations, open houses, baseball playoffs, soccer tournaments, award ceremonies, end-of-year banquets, …
When Mom Is Sick…
It should have been a mother's dream. As I lay in my bed with a book, I could hear my husband starting dinner preparations and marshaling the kids into peeling shrimp, chopping vegetables, and setting …
In Defense of Gift-Giving
Last week my 7-year-old daughter made a sign, "Don't come in, Luke and Ben!" (Luke and Ben are her brothers), hung it on my door, and disappeared inside my bedroom to wrap Christmas presents, emerging …
You Don’t Have to Do It All. Nor Should You.
The night before the first day of school I was lying in the bathtub, indulging in a minor panic attack about all the things I needed to do before everyone headed out in the morning. Someone knocked …
How Not to Be a Crazy Sports Parent
It's been an intense spring with all three kids playing on various baseball teams. Many a Saturday afternoon has seen me scurrying around local fields with one team baseball cap on my head and two …
How to Do Nothing
All three of my kids are now in school (!) and so sometimes I really look forward to Monday mornings, when I can finally GET THINGS DONE. Anyone else relate? Recently, I had a week planned where I was …
My Trick to Banish Anxiety
At times in the past year it seemed like we would all be here in this house, occasionally seeing other people in the yard, forever, and that didn't seem like an entirely bad thing. Life had a peculiar …
Where You Find Yourself
In December 2019, I was talking with my spiritual director about the following fall. For the first time in almost 14 years, I would have no children at home. I thought I was excited about all the time …
Making the Most of Your Family Time
It’s official: online-only school in the fall for all three of my children. So we’ll be spending even more time together. Yay? We’ve had an awful lot of togetherness since this pandemic …
Back to School, Back to Work
Embracing the Rhythm of the School Year As much as I anticipate and love summer, by the time we get to about mid-August I am looking forward to the start of the school year. I don't exactly throw …
When You Feel Like You’re Not a Good Enough Mom
I studied all the wrong things in school. Based on my daily life, I would have been much better off had I studied nursing, nutrition, defensive carpool driving, physical therapy, and child psychology. …
The Three Lessons of Losing
We just returned home from a weekend soccer tournament. Three games and no wins—one tie and two losses. The second game was a bad loss, one where none of us were quite sure what the final …
A New Twist on the Advent Calendar: Celebrating as a Family
Most of my life I've lived in places where the passage of time was marked by the changing of the seasons. As the weather grew warmer and wetter, I would look forward to the flowers and lengthening …
A New Twist on the Advent Calendar: Celebrating as a FamilyRead More
The Love Lives of Navy SEALs and Why It’s So Hard to Write in the Summer
For those of you who think that fiction writers just make it all up, I'd love to tell you about my friend Michelle Ule! She is always researching fascinating subjects--everything from Navy SEALs to …
The Love Lives of Navy SEALs and Why It’s So Hard to Write in the SummerRead More