24 hours of silent retreat. . . It was part of my very first weeklong residency for the Renovare Institute, a two-year program in spiritual formation I began this fall. I'd eagerly anticipated the …
A Surprising Way to Reduce Anxiety
(Especially When You're Crazy Busy) The end of the school year is just nuts. Band concerts, graduations, open houses, baseball playoffs, soccer tournaments, award ceremonies, end-of-year banquets, …
First Days and New Beginnings
It was a big first day of school for my three kids this year--kindergarten, sixth grade, and ninth grade. Three different schools, three different start times. I thought I'd gotten up early enough, …
My Trick to Banish Anxiety
At times in the past year it seemed like we would all be here in this house, occasionally seeing other people in the yard, forever, and that didn't seem like an entirely bad thing. Life had a peculiar …