My latest book, Mom Seeks God, came out in April and it’s been an amazing wild ride. Busy and fun and yes, a little bit stressful. I had a dream the other night that my publisher called me and informed me my book had only sold 18 copies.
That can’t be right, I remember thinking in my dream. I’ve bought more than 18 copies! 🙂
One thing that I haven’t had to stress about at all is what to wear for my launch party, TV appearance, and speaking engagements because I got clued in to this great personal stylist service that just mails the clothes to your house. And they’re so cute. And THEY FIT.
I basically have three types of clothing: workout clothes, running around with kids clothes, and church clothes. Not a lot there that seemed appropriate for speaking to church and MOPS groups. So for months I kept thinking, I really need to get to the mall. But it’s so hard to find the time for a sustained shopping trip, and parking is a pain, and the boys would probably knock down four mannequins before I could whisk them into the dressing room, and blah blah blah. It’s just not easy to shop at this stage in my life. And the stuff I order from catalogs often doesn’t fit me the way I hoped it would when I saw it on that size 0 model in the catalog.
Then I found Stitch Fix. You tell them your size and what you like and link them to your Pinterest style page if you have one, and then for just a $20 styling fee they will send you the cutest little package ever with five items–usually one accessory and four clothing items.
For me, it’s usually been a dress or two, a pair of jeans and a couple of shirts. Here’s the crazy thing. Everything FITS. Even the jeans. And if you buy even one of the items they send you to try on, then they subtract the $20 styling fee from the purchase price. And if you like all five items, you get 25% off the whole package.
So I’ve been set for everything–launch party, speaking, book tables.
I get a Fix once a month now. And I have to tell you, it’s so fun to have a package come just for me and to try everything on–stuff I would never have picked for myself. And I don’t even have to leave my house!
So if you’ d like to try out Stitch Fix, here’s how.
Then let me know what you think!
Jason Cloninger
Let me know how to get a copy… I’ll be sure that your next crazy dream is more than 18! =)
Thank you, Jason! ‘Im so appreciative of your support! 🙂 Just check out my book page at
And let me know what you think!