I drive to the medical center trying my best to distract myself with a podcast I’d saved just for the occasion, but once I check in and sit down it’s no longer possible to forget that it’s time for my …
Cancer-Free: A Resolution of Gratitude
On December 28 I went to the cancer center for my yearly mammogram. Because my initial surgery to remove my breast cancer was in December, this anxiety-producing ritual now falls at the end of each …
What I’ve Learned from My Cancer Diagnosis
I was 39 weeks pregnant when I was diagnosed with breast cancer last October. I’m not sure what (or who) exactly caused me to ask my nurse-practitioner to do a breast …
The Best Lesson My Kids Ever Taught Me
Off the Hamster Wheel After I had my first son, my life was scheduled as it had never been scheduled before. Every three hours I would nurse him, but since I had trouble getting enough milk into him …